Saturday, February 19, 2011

valentine and strange warm weather with a case of the cold

Its been a while since i posted, my computer charger broke so i have to buy a new one, i haven't done that yet so i'm updating from my friend Baxter's computer!
i could use Blaine's BUT i haven't because i been so sick! just been in bed (couch)
for like 4 days straight... yesterday was the first day out, went to suicide masion
to see our friend Elijah's band, it was neat, i wish i could of snapped some pics, Baxter did though.
Spend the night at Baxters had some tea time, we are making brunch, some yum french toast, going outside to eat it in the tipi in her back yard. weathers been soooo nice lately, going back to cold next week though...

Valentines day i got Blaine a few goodies. he loved them.
He got me some roses, chocolates, and a record. haha loved it.

my birthday is on tuesday and Baxter is throwing me a party on saturday, it shall be grand!
