Monday, July 23, 2012

I am lonely and I made a friend but I ate him. He was delicious.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A hero a fake

Practicing :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekend is almost over

Birthday get togethers, many margaritas, really late nights and hanging with good friends. I spent some time rearranging my home and cleaning a bit, I watched Cinderella while waiting on the Internet guy to come and skyped a whole bunch with my good friend. I am obsessed with Skype now it's amazing....!
Woke up at a good hour this morning enough to get cleaning and gym done! Off to see my family!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Moonrise kingdom

Simply spectacular.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Second week of July

Looks a little bit like this. Eating large amounts of pho (good for the soul) perfecting my bowling skills (gutter ball) eating 2 cupcakes from the batch we had at the office due to the celebration of one of our co workers getting married (cant resist just eating one..) and putting gloss to a painting I made last month for someone's birthday but yet to still give it to him.... I have been listening to mgmts congratulations album and feeling melancholy. I find myself staring deep into things (mostly the wall or into space) and just thinking about nothing and everything until I get lost enough to not want to come back to reality and then I start seeing my blood pump to my eye arteries and then that's when I know I've gone too far getting lost in dumb thoughts. I don't know what to do because this rubbish is all new to me an I lay here (or stand here still) clueless while Elliot smith or a belle and Sebastian song play in the background inside my head. Help me.

Ps: I made quesadillas and they made me happy for 10 minutes.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

One of my favorites

Bananas and cocoa almond spread

Lazy Sunday

After hanging around at the yard sale, and a much needed session of Skype I went to the gym. These days that I just keep to myself help me think a lot. Went to trader joes because it's my favorite place to buy groceries and then made some yummy food.
Baking and cooking is like a science if you put too much of something or cook it for too little or too long it will not come out as right. However When it comes to me cooking I just usually wing it, and patiently wait on the taste. I must bake cupcakes ASAP.
I took extra virgin olive oil and used about 2 table spoons of it and threw it on a skillet with some garlic and tomato sauce. After that I threw in some spinach and some rosemary and let it cook for about 4 minutes. I let all of that come together and chopped up some tofu sausage and added it as well. I let all of that sit and cook for about 5 more minutes because I wanted the tofu to absorb the flavor of the sauce. Besides this I was already making basmati rice, which is an Indian rice with herbs and vegetables. I sprinkled some mozzarella on top of the tofu sausage and ta da, It came out perfectly delicious!
So easy to make!

I'm full..

Happy Sunday

Early yard sale. And it's too hot outside I am melting.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Weekend so far

Geez it seems like all I do is eat!! Haha.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy belated

Fourth of July!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I think there might be a small possibility of me becoming a spinster?


When I was little, and turned 11 on that birthday my dad took me to the pet store and let me choose the kitty I wanted, it was a dream come true. I knew it was love at first sight when me and this black kitty made eye contact. He was so cute! A black cat with white paws that looked like mittens and white chest. And until now he leaves with my mom and dad still going strong. I got this necklace in his honor, this way he is always with me.

First time for making sushi

For my friend Baxters birthday I made sushi for the first time. It was interesting but for it being my first time I was impressed with my sushi making skills. They were vegetarian and delicious.

I love Bobby Hill

When alone, besides music and listening to airplane black box recordings I love to just have king of the hill play non stop. It's some sort of comfort necessity for me from what I have discovered.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's hot outside

And these are some shots from the past 2 weeks. I can't help myself when crepes are on the menu. I can't help myself from taking photographs of gnomes when I see one. I am trying to just let myself go. Oh and I am eating a lot of cereal in the mornings at work! And I love our embroidery colors! We are getting way more soon :)