Thursday, October 21, 2010

i've gone orange

Decided to dye my hair a day ago, had to bleach it first to get this color, im glad it turned the way i hoped it would, thank you Lia for helping dye my hair :)
Im working on my costume this weekend, i got the materials, it wont be too hard, this costume required me to have orange hair, soo it works out perfectly.
Went thrifting today and found some goodies! will post them up later.
We are having wine tasting at work today, i don't really like wine, people tell me i have not developed a taste fr it yet, but i think i never will! it just doesnt taste good, but i guess i'll have some? haha, well, hope you all have a great thursday!


  1. I like it! Looks like my natural hair color but without all the crappy things that go along with it (pasty skin, freckles, etc...) Looks good on you!

  2. thankyou!!!! i was hoping it would cme out natural ;) (also to keep my
    im tan so it looks kind of funny, but when it gets cold i get a bit pale, so hopefully it will work out, IF i deicded to keep it until its super cold!
