Sunday, October 10, 2010

peapod story

The peaPod story
When me and my boyfriend Blaine started dating, i got him into liking
one of my favorite bands, PLUSHGUN, we made eachother cd's , and one of the Plushgun songs we love is "just impolite".
Our favorite lyrics of the song are "it just seems like we're two peas in this pod we call NewYork..." SO this is where this Peapod necklace comes into the story. For Christmas Blaine made me a silver Peapod necklace with pearls (representing us) and my birthstone in the middle.
It came out beautifully!! i loved it then and i love it now, the crazy thing is that i lost it once and i got it returned to me (long story)
He also gave me a promise ring for my birthday early this year, it has a matching stone :)
i love you!


  1. I love your L O V E story.

    mmMMm peas.

  2. thankyou! i just thought i would share it on here hahaha
