Sunday, October 17, 2010


Yesterday Me, Blaine, his brother Pete and friend Jeff all went to Their really good friend's
wedding, His Name is Jamie Reed, and he is very talented. He wroks for Rubber Maid, as a package designer, AND he has his own Screen printing business , he even made all of the wedding invitations! you can check out his work here at his website/store:

Blaines whole outfit was thrifted, i got my dress
at Forever 21, and my big bow too :) i felt like a present.

I had these shoes from long ago, but decided to be lame and match with my dress...

Blaine made me this really neat silver necklace, and he even engraved my initials!

I also wore this wonderful thrifted vintage bag! i love it, its so colorful, i got it from Island Avenu, owned by our friends Elijah and Sidney.

And this cute owl ring i got from a street stand in NYC!

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